Hey everyone! Sorry for the sparse blog posts, it’s hard to figure out what to post during the design stage of this project. I am currently working on tinkercad to design parts of our “cam shaft”, which we will later 3D print. Earlier today, I worked on designing a hollow cylinder with a semi-sphere, to fit with the stump (HUGE shoutout to Emmet Christian for teaching me how to use tinkercad and bring what we visualized to the program). Later, we’ll print the egg shaped object that will push the pedal forward, and make them a cohesive item. We then need to work on securing the device to the stump itself, most likely through a strap, like I talked about earlier in these posts. That’s it for now, thanks for reading! I’ll be sure to update more as we continue to work our way through the process : )

Great to see this update, Neta! In next posts, consider sharing some of the joys and challenges in this phase. Have you tried things that didn’t work, and if so, what was that like? How do you figure out what went wrong? Is it hard to find time for this project in the craziness of April?